The author is …

… a 22 year old NUS undergraduate majoring in Political Science. The author is a drummer, percussionist and a vocalist, and he is currently playing drums for shakenotstirred, Lucille, NUS CAC Guitar Club and for any band on an ad hoc basis. He listens to a wide variety of songs ranging from trashy chinese pop to top40s to rock, alternative pop to alternative rock, jazz to death metal, funk to speed metal, basically anything that he fancies, or sounds good.

The author was from The Chinese High School (1999 – 2002) and subsequently St. Andrews Junior College (2003 – 2004). Played waterpolo for SAJC as goalkeeper (cap #1), and was the obnoxious house captain of the arts faculty, Romanis.

I don’t know what possessed me to write in that obnoxious way, starting with “The author…” but I just felt like it. I thought it looked kinda cool at first, but after a while I realised it looks pretty fucking ugly. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to create a blog at wordpress and blog in a different style. A more cynical, sacarstic and hopefully, mature style as compared to Posts will be categorized and archived, comments and pings will be allowed, so have fun!